Fazail e Sahaba Book Download In Urdu & pdf format

Fazail e Sahaba Book is now available In urdu. Fazail E Sahaba is written by Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. He was born in124 Hijri. He started his early education at the age of 4 in which he completed Quran and became hafiz. At the age of 7or 8 he started reading Ahadith and he get into the demand and fulfillment  in the age of 15/16.  His teachers his prominent teacher was Imam Shafi. You get the education regarding not only fiqh but also regarding the hadith and lineage. Describes the virtues of different Prophets. Started with the virtues of the first caliph Syed Hazarat abu Bakar(R.A). After Holy Prophet(PBUH) the two personalities important for ummah.

Fazail e Sahaba Book Overview

Fazail e Sahabaa Urdu Book, The main subjects of this curriculum were: Paishy Lafz, Arzy Mutarjam, Imaan Ahmad Bin Hnbal, Fazail Sahaba, Fazail Abu Bakar, Fazail Sayadna Umar Farooq, Fazail Sayadna Usman Bin Afan, Fazail Sayadna Ali Bin Abi Talib,Fazail Sayadna Abdul Rehman Bin Auf, Fazail Sayadna Zubair Bin Alalom, Fazail Sayadna Abu Abado Bin Aljarah, Fazail Jigar Gosha Rasool, Fazail Sayadna Hassan our Husain, Fazail Insar, Fazail Sayadna Khalid bin Waleed, Fazail Sayadna Haris Bin Nouman, or bht sy Fazail Sayadna ki roh sy iss mai tafseer shamil hai ..

Main Subject of this Book?

Fazail e Sahabaa pdf Urdu Book, Hazrat Abu Bakar had given orders to teach believers how to offer prayer. The commands by God to give abu bakar(R.A) the glad tidings of Paradise. Virtues of Hazrat Umer Bin Khatab(R.A). He discusses the lineage of Hazrat Umer Bin Khatab(R.A). Briefing about the Lineage of Hazrat Umer bin Abi Talib(R.A). His mother’s name and lineage. He discusses the appearance and existence of  Hazrat Umer(R.A) and about shahadat.

Fazail e Sahaba Book

He explains the Virtues of Hazrat Abdul Rahman(R.A), Hazrat Zubair Bin Awan(R.A), Hazrat Abu Ubaida(R.A), Hazrat Talha Bin Ubaida(R.A), Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas(R.A), Hazrat Fatima Bint e Rasool(SAW).Including the Virtues of Hazrat Hassan(R.A) and Hussain(R.A), Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed(R.A), Hazrat Saad Bin Maaz(R.A), Hazrat Haris Bin Noman(R.A), Hazrat Sohaib(R.A), Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid(R.A), Hazrat Abdulah Bin Masood (R.A),Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas(R.A) and virtues of Hazrat Khadija(R.A).He also narrated the virtues of Bnau Ghafar and Banu Aslam.

Fazail e Sahaba Volume 1

Fazail e Sahaba Book in Urdu

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