Wahiba Fatima this novel is very interested and also very emotional. This novel is about a passionate love story. This story based on a Families. A Character waniya who love him father friend shafan. They help them while their father leave them all alone in this world. The boy shafan is Psychiatrists and very great personality doctor. The girl waniya is a university student. Waniya love shafan since childhood. She love her so much. Waniyan is very cute, and beautiful innocent girl. But their is one more character Maya. Shafan and Maya love each other and they are going to marry soon. This novel is very interesting and people love to read this novel. You will become emotional and also people start attachment with this novel.

Khuwab aur Khushbo Novel Read Online
Khuwab aur Khushbo Novel is very emotinal love story. A girl who love then boy since childhood. But Boy like someelse. And while the love know about her love how this going to ve someone else love and no more she can think about that person dreams. She want to tell him all her feelings but before she let him know. She knew this boy love someone else and getting married. Many people love in this world without any expectations, without letting anyone know about their feelings. How they feel about one sided love. One sided love is a pain inside nothing remains yours and you become mentally sick to not give any thoughts and not even control your thoughts. You will love to read this fantastic novel. You can read now online from our website.
Wahiba Fatima All Novels Lists
Here is all others novels lists of Wahiba Fatima. You can read it now Wahiba Fatima novels in pdf format. We have collect all of them together so the fans of Wahiba Fatima now read all of her novels now. If you want to read romantic, forced love, suspense and thrilled novels so here is lists of all together.